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❗Course Registration Schedule Starts Tomorrow❗

Greetings, this is KU Student Union Emergency Committee.

Please be informed that the pre-registration of preferred courses ends tomorrow at noon. Following is the related announcement.

1. Course Registration Schedule
¡¤ Senior: Feb 13 (Tue) 10:00 ~ Feb 14 (Wed) 09:00
¡¤ Junior: Feb 14 (Wed) 10:00 ~ Feb 15 (Thu) 09:00
¡¤ Sophomore: Feb 15 (Thu) 10:00 ~ Feb 16 (Fri) 09:00
¡¤ Freshmen: Feb 14 (Fri) 10:00 ~ Feb 14 (Sat) 09:00

2. Overall Schedule
¡¤ Course Registration for Current Students: Feb 13 (Tue) 10:00 ~ Feb 17 (Sat) 09:00 (different by grades)
¡¤ Course Registration for newly admitted/transferred students: Feb 23 (Fri) 10:00 ~ Feb 24 (Sat) 12:00
¡¤ Course Add/Drop: Mar 6 (Wed) 18:30 ~ Mar 7 (Thu) 12:00 (different by grades)
¡¤ Course Add/Drop for All Grades: Mar 7 (Thu) 18:30 ~ Mar 8 (Fri) 12:00
¡¤ Course Registration for Students Registered for Cancelled Courses: Mar 14 (Thu) 18:30 ~ Mar 15 (Fri) 09:00
¡¤ Course Registration Drop(Waiver) Application: Mar 25 (Mon) 10:00 ~ Mar 27 (Wed) 09:00

3. Details on Course Registration
¡¤ Also eligible for returning students following a leave of absence.
¡¤ Students whose total GPA is higher than 3.75 or whose GPA from the previous semester is higher than 3.75 without any F grade and no course withdrawal are permitted to register for a maximum of 22(23) credits.
¡¤ You can now find results of the pre-registerred course on the course registration system ([
¡¤ It is scheduled to save preferred classes for the course registration system from 10:00 on Feb 9th(Fri) to 8:30 on Feb 13th(Tue), and please remind that this is a function that is stored on the course registration system like a shopping basket, and it is irrelevant to the actual course registration process.
¡¤ You can also delete any course you want to delete from your course history up to 30 minutes before the course.
¡¤ Before starting course registration, please access the course registration system to check whether the student's grade(grade for applying for the course) has been processed properly, and if there is any problem with that, please contact the administrative office of your college.
¡¤ A student's year of course registration is determined by the total credit number he/she has earned until Winter session, as of Feb in 2024.

4. Notes
¡¤ All enrolled students are required to register for courses during the designated periods.
¡¤ School Year will no longer be limited during the course add/drop period for all grades.
¡¤ The course add/drop for all grades will be on a first-come, first-served basis for both KU
and exchange students within the total number of students, which includes the quota for exchange students.
¡¤ If you have any questions about each course, such as the number of the accessible students in each class, please contact the administrative office of the college, or the relevant institution of the Institute of Liberal Arts (liberal arts courses), the teaching team (teaching), and the International Language Institute, Foreign Language Center.
¡¤ Please refer to the education information website ( for details on the application for courses(including course application caution for each college and department)  and contact information for each college or institute.

Check out the Freshman Course Registration Guide by Korea University Television Network, KTN, at the link below. It offers comprehensive and accessible explanations on the course registration process, including how to use the course registration system. We encourage all students to consult this valuable resource for a smoother registration experience.
¢º️KTN Course Registration Guide link:

For further information, please refer to the guidelines and manuals attached on the School Schedule Notice of the Portal(KUPID).

Thank you.

Person-in-Charge: Jaeho Song, Vice Head of Dept. of Education & Facilities
Supervisor: Hanbeom Kim, Head of Dept. of Education & Facilities
Ãâó : °í·Á´ëÇб³ °íÆĽº 2024-07-27 10:36:17:

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