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Âü°í¹®Çå Áß Price, M. D. (2021). Evolution of a Taboo: Pigs and People in the Ancient Near East. Oxford University Press.

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"The problem is that there is no evidence in the Bible or, for that matter, the Quran that the food laws were health measures. And as pork was not widely eaten in the Levant in the Bronze and Iron Ages, pigs were almost certainly a very minor vector of disease for the ancient Israelites—although diseases carried by swine probably affected Egyptians with some frequency. More importantly, if pork was so harmful, why did the civilizations of premodern pork-loving peoples thrive around the world, from Polynesia to New Guinea to China to Europe? And why, if ancient Israelite priests had somehow cracked the epidemiological code for trichinosis, would they keep such a tight lid on their discovery, opting to shroud a perfectly logical reason for not eating something (¡°Thou shall not eat the pig, for it will give you diarrhea¡±) in a religious commandment justified on the grounds that the pig has a cloven hoof but does not chew its cud (Leviticus 11:7)?"

"In the final analysis, the health-related explanations attempt to force-fit the pig taboo into a functionalist framework rather than pursue a scientific interpretation of the available historical information. A  number of anthropologists have made this point already. But despite their work, health-related theories remain popular, probably because they offer a just so story that rationalizes the irrational, grounding taboos in everyday experience—as opposed to cosmological and social life."
Ãâó : °í·Á´ëÇб³ °íÆĽº 2024-07-27 14:20:45:

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